We believe in one eternal God who is the creator of all things.  He is totally loving, holy and just and exists in three persons – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.   

We believe that the Bible is God’s Word.  It is inspired and accurate.  It is our perfect guide in all matters of life.  

We believe that God loves all people and wants to have a personal relationship with them.  We believe that sin has separated us all from God, and that only through Jesus Christ can we be reconciled to God. We believe that Jesus Christ is both God and Man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. He led a sinless life, took all our sins upon Himself, died and rose again. Today, He is seated at the right hand of the Father as our High Priest and Mediator.

We believe that salvation is a gift from God to man.  We are saved by God’s grace through faith when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.    

We believe that the Holy Spirit is our Comforter.  He guides us all areas of our lives.  He also blesses us with spiritual gifts and produces the fruit of the Spirit in us.   We believe that water baptism is an outward act that symbolizes and demonstrates that a believer has been washed and cleansed of sin, completely changed, immersed in Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit. We believe that in order to live the holy and fruitful lives that God intends for us, we need to be baptised in water and be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit enables us to use spiritual gifts, including speaking in tongues. 

We believe that we take Holy Communion in remembrance of Jesus and as a celebration of all that was accomplished for us by him through his death.

We believe that God wants to transform and heal us, so that we can live blessed, abundant and victorious lives that will impact and help others. 

We believe that the church is the body of Christ and God’s agent for carrying the gospel to the world.  The church is expressed locally as a body of believers.  We believe every individual is a vital part of the body, and is individually equipped for ministry through the gifts and abilities God has given them. We believe being involved in a healthy church helps people to reach their God given potential.

We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ is coming back again just as He has promised.   We believe that God’s desire is that not one should perish, and all who accept Jesus Christ, as Lord and Saviour will spend eternal life with God in Heaven.  Heaven is a place Jesus has prepared for us, a place of everlasting joy in God’s presence.  

Max Life Church is part of the Australian Christian Churches.

*This statement of faith seeks only to provide the basic foundations of what we at Max Life Church affirm to be true. It does not attempt to be a total definition of Christian faith and doctrine. *